Everyone knows that our skin is the body’s largest organ. When our skin is healthy, its layers work really hard in order to protect us. However, when it’s compromised, the skin’s ability to work as a top barrier or protector is impaired. Skin has several functions, making it the ultimate task-masker of the human body. The most important role of our skin is being the first defence line between our bodies and the outside world. Protecting everyone from viruses, bacteria, pollution and some chemical elements that we face in our workplace and at home.
Effective skin care is important at any age especially if you’re in your 20s and 30s because it can strengthen and prepare your skin for the effects of ageing. Cleanser and SPF moisturiser will be fixtures in your routine, and may be used as a preventative measure to increase the collagen production. You may associate collagen with maintaining skin looking full. However it also provides skin its strength and components and plays a vital role in replacing dead skin cells.
Therefore, good skincare, proper diet, and healthy lifestyle choices can help minimise our skin’s natural ageing and prevent various skin issues. Get started with these five tips from Beautrim Care to achieve a healthier skin.
1. Protect Yourself From the Sun
One of the most important and easiest ways to take care of your skin is to protect it from the scorching heat from the sun. A lifetime of sun exposure can definitely cause age spots, wrinkles, and some other skin problems — such as an increased risk of getting skin cancer. Therefore, it is really important to use sunscreen every day. Sunscreens are assigned a sun protection factor (SPF) number that rates their effectiveness in stopping these ultraviolet (UV) rays from penetrating our skin. So higher SPF numbers indicate more protection for your skin. Lastly, you may need to use a broad-spectrum sunscreen with at least SPF 15, even on slightly cloudy days to protect your skin.
In addition, the sun’s rays are extremely furious between 10AM and 4PM. Therefore, you need to practise the shadow rule. If your shadow is shorter than your height, you should find shade. Also, always keep babies younger than 6 months old completely covered and in the shade.
2. Eat a Healthy & Balanced Diet
Everyone has a favourite face treatment or skin routine, however, radiant skin starts with nourishment from within the body. As we all know, older cells are continuously shed and replaced by new ones, and a regular supply of the most important nutrients is essential to support this rapid production. Therefore, you need to eat the correct balance of foods. You’ll feed your skin the essential nutrients it needs to help it stay soft, radiant and healthy.
As we all know, fruits and vegetables contain dynamic and important antioxidants that help to protect skin from the cellular damage caused by stress and free radicals. Free radicals, stress, smoking, digital pollution and sunlight can cause our skin wrinkling and age spots. Eat a rainbow of vibrant fruit and vegetables and aim for at least six portions a day. Beta-carotene, found in carrots, tomatoes and broccoli, and lutein, found in spinach, artichokes and blueberries are potent antioxidants, vital for healthy skin cell development and healthy skin tone.
3. Manage Stress Properly
Stress is definitely part of being a human, and it can help influence you to get things right. Even high stress from critical illness, divorce, a death in the family, or an aching life event can be a natural part of life. You may feel anxious, down or sad, and that’s normal too, for a while. Uncurbed stress can definitely make your skin more prone to acne breakouts and other skin issues. To achieve healthy skin — and a soundness of mind — take steps in managing your stress.
Furthermore, research says that stress can increase the quantity of sebum in your skin, which is the oily matter that blocks pores. This, in turn, leads to greater acne breakouts. So reducing your stress can definitely lead to clearer skin. If stress is already having an impact on your skin vitality, try doing some stress reduction techniques such as yoga, exercise, or even meditation. Most importantly, having complete rest and sleep, allocate reasonable limits, and do enjoy the things you love. The outcome will definitely be more substantial than expected.
4. Keep Moisture in the Skin
Having a completely hydrated skin not only keeps it looking younger and healthier, but it also minimises the risk of premature ageing. Keeping your skin hydrated and resilient throughout the day can be very challenging, especially in dry and hot seasons. Layering your moisturiser correctly and timely is the key to getting a beautifully hydrated skin that lasts all day. You need to make sure that you always apply moisturiser to your skin and layer lighter treatments like serums underneath your moisturiser. In addition, weekly facial treatments like exfoliation and face masks can definitely help remove dead skin cells and give you an extra skin glow.
With the Singapore heat, your body tends to lose a lot of moisture, which is why hydrating yourself from the inside out is extremely vital. Besides, eating water-rich foods such as watermelons and drinking adequate water, and making sure that you cleanse, tone, and moisturise religiously at night before sleeping. Also, milk and honey are great natural moisturisers; hence you can certainly add them in your skincare routine.
5. Quit Smoking
Smoke cessation will improve your blood circulation and increase your blood on your face. Once your skin starts getting an appropriate amount of nutrients and oxygen, you can definitely notice a huge improvement in your skin integrity. Too bad to say, however, quitting smoking can’t reverse skin impairments. On the positive side, it can prevent premature ageing from progressing. Just always remember, your skin will eventually sag and wrinkle as you get older. However, quitting smoking won’t prevent this from happening, but it can certainly slow the process down.
But if you don’t keep smoking, all the negative consequences become increasingly irreversible. If you do smoking cessation, the following changes take place, which can keep your skin to its youthful glow in just a few months. Your skin will improve radiantly, as antioxidants, oxygen and new skin cell production go back to normal. Furthermore, healthier skin is more defiant to environmental stresses, and keeps you looking younger and fresher for much longer.
Maintaining your skin healthy and glowing does not necessarily mean breaking your pockets by buying expensive creams and lotions. By following these simple steps, you can make dull, sluggish and lifeless skin glow.
You can certainly wash your face with a facial cleanser and use the latest serum to moisturise your skin however, nothing beats a good facial treatment from Beautrim Care where trained professionals will do it for you. Head now to Beautrim Care and have a radiant skin with our signature Facial Treatment customised for your needs.